onsdag 2 maj 2007

Assessing the strength of al-Qaeda

Assessing the strength of al-Qaeda - The Economist 2 may

WMD Insights May Issue

WMD Insights May Issue

Terrorism Focus

Terrorism Focus Volume 4, Issue 12 - The Jamestown Foundation 1 may


U.S., Japan Boost Intelligence Cooperation After Leak

U.S., Japan Boost Intelligence Cooperation After Leak - Bloomberg 2 may

Chechnya Weekly

Chechnya Weekly Volume 8, Issue 17 - The Jamestown Foundation 27 apr


How did Al Qaeda emerge in North Africa?

How did Al Qaeda emerge in North Africa? - CSM 1 may

CrisisWatch N°45, 1 May 2007

CrisisWatch N°45, 1 May 2007

Saudis foil 'air attack plotters'

Saudis foil 'air attack plotters' - BBC 27 apr

Afghanistan SIGINT 2

Afghanistan SIGINT 2 - Lux Ex Umbra 1 may

Canada listening in on Taliban exchanges

Canada listening in on Taliban exchanges - National Post 30 apr