onsdag 11 juli 2007

Fatah al-Islam assassinated Lebanese minister Gemayel

Fatah al-Islam assassinated Lebanese minister Gemayel - Ya Libnan 8 jul

New organization aims to create a civil state in Lebanon

New organization aims to create a civil state in Lebanon - Daily Star 11 jul

Iraq al-Qaeda Group Threatens Iran

Iraq al-Qaeda Group Threatens Iran - asharq alawsat 9 jul

Congo: Consolidating the Peace

Congo: Consolidating the Peace Africa Report N°128 - ICG 5 jul

Director General Briefs Press on North Korea, Iran & Budget Increase

Director General Briefs Press on North Korea, Iran & Budget Increase - IAEA 9 jul

Salam Fayyad’s new Palestinian emergency government and the beginning of its struggle against Ismail Haniya’s Hamas government

Salam Fayyad’s new Palestinian emergency government and the beginning of its struggle against Ismail Haniya’s Hamas government - IICC 28 jun

The meaning of the term “Islamic emirate”

The meaning of the term “Islamic emirate” - IICC 8 jul

Kosovo is spiraling out of control

Kosovo is spiraling out of control - SAOM 9 jul

The Caspian Pipeline Deal and Russia’s Energy Strategy in Central Asia

The Caspian Pipeline Deal and Russia’s Energy Strategy in Central Asia - SAOM 6 jul

Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire

Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire - WP 8 jul

Cuckoo Clocks and Jihadists

Cuckoo Clocks and Jihadists - The Weekly Standard 16 jul

A Hezbollah Coup Attempt This Summer?

A Hezbollah Coup Attempt This Summer? - CTB 8 jul

A Week in Southern Thailand

A Week in Southern Thailand - CTB 8 jul

US Govt Concern About Potential Al Qaeda Attack on US Homeland This Summer

US Govt Concern About Potential Al Qaeda Attack on US Homeland This Summer - CTB 10 jul

The cells are already here, while more are coming

The cells are already here, while more are coming - CTB 11 jul

Bektasevic kompis fick 10 år

Bektasevic kompis fick 10 år - Gudmundson 5 jul

Three jailed for inciting terror

Three jailed for inciting terror - BBC 5 jul

FT series about al-Qaeda

FT series about al-Qaeda

The four guilty July 21 bombers

The four guilty July 21 bombers - Telegraph 10 jul

Officials worry of summer terror attack

Officials worry of summer terror attack - AP 11 jul

Tunneling Near Iranian Nuclear Site Stirs Worry

Tunneling Near Iranian Nuclear Site Stirs Worry - WP 9 jul

Britain focuses on missed intelligence

Britain focuses on missed intelligence - AP 10 jul

A busted terror plot in Britain puts the spotlight on radicalized Muslim professionals

A busted terror plot in Britain puts the spotlight on radicalized Muslim professionals - Newsweek 7 jul

The last battle

A bloody end to the Islamabad siege - The Economist 10 jul

WMD Insights July / August Issue

WMD Insights July/August Issue

New Tunnel Construction at Mountain Adjacent to the Natanz Enrichment Complex

New Tunnel Construction at Mountain Adjacent to the Natanz Enrichment Complex - ISIS 9 jul

Terrorism Focus

Terrorism Focus Volume 4, Issue 22 - jamestown.org 10 jul


Terrorism Monitor

Terrorism Monitor Volume 5, Issue 13 - jamestown.org 6 jul