onsdag 16 januari 2008

Comstar Broadband Internet Subscriber Base Almost Doubles to 695,000 in Moscow

Comstar Broadband Internet Subscriber Base Almost Doubles to 695,000 in Moscow - Forbes 16 jan

Russia gives Canadian wireless backhaul gear a green light

Russia gives Canadian wireless backhaul gear a green light - ITWC 15 jan

Mobile telecoms in the Middle East - Special Report

Mobile telecoms in the Middle East : Special Report - AME dec 07

Thuraya-3 satellite successfully launched to Orbit by Sea Launch

Thuraya-3 satellite successfully launched to Orbit by Sea Launch - AME 16 jan

The Criminal-Terrorist Nexus and its Pipelines

The Criminal-Terrorist Nexus and its Pipelines - NEFA 14 jan

The Wikipediazation of the American Judiciary

The Wikipediazation of the American Judiciary - NEFA jan

(NEFA Report: Web 2.0 Tools and Counterterrorism - CTB 15 jan)

Exiled Islamist Still Attracts Following in Kyrgyzstan

Exiled Islamist Still Attracts Following in Kyrgyzstan - IWPR 13 jan

Haqqani Network behind Kabul hotel attack

Haqqani Network behind Kabul hotel attack - LWJ 15 jan

Mansour skifter forklaringer i terrorretssag

Mansour skifter forklaringer i terrorretssag - Politiken 15 jan

Terrorism Focus

Terrorism Focus Volume 5, Issue 2 (January 15, 2008) - Jamestown