onsdag 17 augusti 2011

Internet jihadist killed in Predator strike in Waziristan

Internet jihadist killed in Predator strike in Waziristan - The Long War Journal Aug 16

Moscow Blackmails Dushanbe to Return to the Afghan Border

Moscow Blackmails Dushanbe to Return to the Afghan Border - Jamestown Aug 16

Paris refuse de livrer à Madrid un ancien chef d'ETA

Paris refuse de livrer à Madrid un ancien chef d'ETA - Le Figaro Aug 17

Zim general's death may prompt power struggle

Zim general's death may prompt power struggle - Mail & Guardian Aug 17

Hariri indictment says phones link suspects to killing

Hariri indictment says phones link suspects to killing - Reuters Aug 17

Hamas disperses anti-Assad protest in Gaza

Hamas disperses anti-Assad protest in Gaza - Haaretz Aug 17

UAE to offer exit plan to Assad, Kuwaiti expert

UAE to offer exit plan to Assad, Kuwaiti expert - Hürriyet Aug 16

Turkey mulls radical moves on Syria policy

Turkey mulls radical moves on Syria policy - Hürriyet Aug 16

Syrian opposition mocks Nasrallah in video

Syrian opposition mocks Nasrallah in video - Ynet News Aug 17

La Mauritanie en alerte après des rapports sur AQMI

La Mauritanie en alerte après des rapports sur AQMI - Magharebia Aug 16

Terrorist tag for Haqqani kingpin

Terrorist tag for Haqqani kingpin - The Times of India Aug 17

In fight with Shining Path, Peru's President Humala takes a page from Colombia

In fight with Shining Path, Peru's President Humala takes a page from Colombia - The Christian Science Monitor Aug 16

Syria Threatens Dissidents Around Globe, U.S. Says

Syria Threatens Dissidents Around Globe, U.S. Says - The Wall Street Journal Aug 17

Computer lab’s Chinese-made parts raise spy concerns

Computer lab’s Chinese-made parts raise spy concerns - The Washington Times Aug 16

Filipino Muslim rebel group issues final warning to breakaway commander with 200 fighters

Filipino Muslim rebel group issues final warning to breakaway commander with 200 fighters - AP Aug 17

Egypt nabs terrorists trying to blow up Sinai pipeline

Egypt nabs terrorists trying to blow up Sinai pipeline - Reuters Aug 17

Palestinian sources: Hamas leader won't soften demands for Shalit swap

Palestinian sources: Hamas leader won't soften demands for Shalit swap - Haaretz Aug 17

Under the long arm of Indonesian intelligence

Under the long arm of Indonesian intelligence - The Age Aug 13

Syria's stable currency amid crisis fuels speculation

Syria's stable currency amid crisis fuels speculation - LA Times Aug 17

Lebanon intercepts covert arms shipment bound to Syria

Lebanon intercepts covert arms shipment bound to Syria - Pakistan ObserLänkver Aug 17