söndag 9 november 2008

Chinese hack into White House network

Chinese hack into White House network - FT.com 7 nov

Terrorism Monitor

Terrorism Monitor Volume 6, Issue 21 (November 7, 2008) - Jamestown.org


Списком Таблицей Всего роликов (11788) Палец в рот не клади zvezdanews Новости, политика 00:08 Просмотров41555 Все комментарии0 "Водяная кров

Bin Laden's son in Qatar after being deported by Egypt

Bin Laden's son in Qatar after being deported by Egypt - AFP 9 nov

Report: Terrorists use cash, avoid financial ties

Report: Terrorists use cash, avoid financial ties - AP 8 nov

Commentary by a Russian Submarine Writer on the Nerpa Tragedy

Commentary by a Russian Submarine Writer on the Nerpa Tragedy - Russian Navy Blog 8 nov

Ushahidi Deploys In The DRC

Ushahidi Deploys In The DRC - War and health 7 nov

Informational Warfare – a Geopolitical Reality

Informational Warfare – a Geopolitical Reality - Strategic Culture Foundation 4 nov

ЧП на подлодке "Нерпа" . Трагедия во время испытаний субмарины

Accident on Akula II K-152 Nerpa?

Accident on Akula II K-152 Nerpa? - Russian Navy Blog 8 nov

At least 20 killed in Russian submarine accident

At least 20 killed in Russian submarine accident - RIA 9 nov