tisdag 31 maj 2011

Libya: Five generals defect as pressure mounts on Muammar Gaddafi

Libya: Five generals defect as pressure mounts on Muammar Gaddafi - The telegraph May 30

Under pressure, Syria offers full nuclear cooperation

Under pressure, Syria offers full nuclear cooperation - Reuters May 30

Iran cleric: Killing Israeli children OK

Iran cleric: Killing Israeli children OK - Ynetnews May 31

Osama bin Laden tried to establish 'grand coalition' of militant groups

Osama bin Laden tried to establish 'grand coalition' of militant groups - The Guardian May 30

Er den nye type terrorister udtryk for en degenerering?

Er den nye type terrorister udtryk for en degenerering? - Information May 30

Libya rebels launch station to fight Gadhafi TV

Libya rebels launch station to fight Gadhafi TV - AP May 31

N.Korea Develops High-Speed Military Hovercraft

N.Korea Develops High-Speed Military Hovercraft - The Chosunilbo May 31

Russia's Tatarstan warns of 'threat' from radical Islam

Russia's Tatarstan warns of 'threat' from radical Islam - AFP May 30

Australia warns on cyber attacks on resource firms

Australia warns on cyber attacks on resource firms - Reuters May 30

Pakistan detains ex-navy personnel after raid

Pakistan detains ex-navy personnel after raid - AP May 30

Geheime CIA- Gefängnisse in Polen: Ermittlungen behindert?

Geheime CIA- Gefängnisse in Polen: Ermittlungen behindert? - APA May 30

Oligarchs get political, again

Oligarchs get political, again - The Moscow News May 30

Russian tycoon to sell off empire and enter politics

Russian tycoon to sell off empire and enter politics - Russia today May 30

Bei Deutschen wächst Misstrauen gegen afghanische Partner

Bei Deutschen wächst Misstrauen gegen afghanische Partner - Der Spiegel May 30

Ex-spies, investigators join Strauss-Kahn's crack team

Ex-spies, investigators join Strauss-Kahn's crack team - Today May 31

Lockheed hack highlights difficulty of solving crime

Lockheed hack highlights difficulty of solving crime - Reuters May 30

Security agencies and extra-judicial killings

Security agencies and extra-judicial killings - The Guardian Nigeria May 31

Cyber Combat: Act of War

Cyber Combat: Act of War - The Wall Street Journal May 31

Stuxnet attack forced Britain to rethink the cyber war

Stuxnet attack forced Britain to rethink the cyber war - Guardian May 30

Cyber weapons 'now integral part of Britain's armoury'

Cyber weapons 'now integral part of Britain's armoury' - The Telegraph May 31

'CIA mole guided' SEALs to Osama bin Laden

'CIA mole guided' SEALs to Osama bin Laden - The Australian May 23Länk

fredag 27 maj 2011

Al-Qaida takes over several government buildings in south Yemen

Al-Qaida takes over several government buildings in south Yemen - Trend May 27

Spanish police stop illegal sale of Israeli military helicopters to Iran

Spanish police stop illegal sale of Israeli military helicopters to Iran - Haaretz May 26

Swedish foreign minister uses Twitter to contact Bahraini counterpart

Swedish foreign minister uses Twitter to contact Bahraini counterpart - The Telegraph May 26

Yemen air force bombs army camp

Yemen air force bombs army camp - The Telegraph May 27

Russian ski resort plan faces Islamist terror threat

Russian ski resort plan faces Islamist terror threat - The Telegraph May 27

Final suspect convicted of plot to blow up JFK airport

Final suspect convicted of plot to blow up JFK airport - The Telegraph May 27

Russian intern sacked for withering Duma blog

Russian intern sacked for withering Duma blog - The Telegraph May 26

Gaddafi is paranoid and on the run, MI6 tells David Cameron

Gaddafi is paranoid and on the run, MI6 tells David Cameron - Guardian May 26

SOMALIA: Internet lifeline cut in Mogadishu

SOMALIA: Internet lifeline cut in Mogadishu - IRIN May 27

New China Missile Unit Near Taiwan: Spy Chief

New China Missile Unit Near Taiwan: Spy Chief - AFP May 26

US offers $5 million to capture Umarov

US offers $5 million to capture Umarov - The Moscow News May 26

Chinese spies disguise themselves as tourists, scholars: NSB

Chinese spies disguise themselves as tourists, scholars: NSB - The China Post May 27

Arrests in Astrakhan Point to the Spread of Islamic Insurgency in Russia

Arrests in Astrakhan Point to the Spread of Islamic Insurgency in Russia - Jamestown May 26

Russians Oppose Any Ban on Arms Exports to Syria

Russians Oppose Any Ban on Arms Exports to Syria - Jamestown May 26

De Maizière hält MAD für unverzichtbar

De Maizière hält MAD für unverzichtbar - Generalanzeiger May 27

Strauss-Kahn team consults ex-CIA officers' firm

Strauss-Kahn team consults ex-CIA officers' firm - Reuters May 21Länk

tisdag 24 maj 2011

Iran refinery explosion as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks

Iran refinery explosion as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks - The Telegraph May 24

Deutscher Islamist in Afghanistan verhaftet

Deutscher Islamist in Afghanistan verhaftet - Die Presse May 24

Blast Kills Two Outside Kazakh Security Service Building

Blast Kills Two Outside Kazakh Security Service Building - RFE/RL May 24

Sahel states agree on counter-terror force

Sahel states agree on counter-terror force - Magharebia May 23



Al-Qaida bomber leaves behind a fingerprint

Al-Qaida bomber leaves behind a fingerprint - AP May 24

Security service gains satellite link up

Security service gains satellite link up - UPI May 23

Osama bin Laden dead: Mullah Omar 'on the run'

Osama bin Laden dead: Mullah Omar 'on the run' - The Telegraph May 23

David Headley tells court of ISI links to Lashkar-e-Taiba

David Headley tells court of ISI links to Lashkar-e-Taiba - The Telegraph May 23

Lebanon arrests Shiite sheikh suspected of spying for Israel

Lebanon arrests Shiite sheikh suspected of spying forLänk Israel - Haaretz May 24

måndag 23 maj 2011

"Les talibans avaient offert la livraison de Ben Laden à la DGSE"

"Les talibans avaient offert la livraison de Ben Laden à la DGSE" - Le Express May 20

Islam-Bewegung breitet sich in Deutschland aus

Islam-Bewegung breitet sich in Deutschland aus - Die Welt May 21

ASIO eye on WikiLeaks

ASIO eye on WikiLeaks - Sydney Morning Herald May 23

The Long, Winding Path to Closer CIA and Military Cooperation

The Long, Winding Path to Closer CIA and Military Cooperation - The Wall Street Journal May 23

'Russia warned military attache 3 times before expulsion'

'Russia warned military attache 3 times before expulsion' - Jerusalem Post May 23

Iran military 'successfully tests' new ballistic missile system

Iran military 'successfully tests' new ballistic missile system - Haaretz May 22

Former member of Mugabe secret police granted asylum in UK

Former member of Mugabe secret police granted asylum in UK - The Telegraph May 20

Iran claims to break CIA spy ring, arrests 30

Iran claims to break CIA spy ring, arrests 30 - Los Angeles Times May 22

onsdag 18 maj 2011

Al Qaeda Agent Held in Karachi

Al Qaeda Agent Held in Karachi - The Wall Street Journal May 18

Pakistan Woos Insurgent Group

Pakistan Woos Insurgent Group - The Wall Street Journal May 18

Tunisia threatens Libya over rocket attacks

Tunisia threatens Libya over rocket attacks - Malta Today May 18

Anwar al-Awlaki is 'next target after Osama bin Laden'

Anwar al-Awlaki is 'next target after Osama bin Laden' - The Telegraph May 17

Osama bin Laden killed: Saif al-Adel acting as al-Qaeda's 'caretaker leader'

Osama bin Laden killed: Saif al-Adel acting as al-Qaeda's 'caretaker leader' - The Telegraph May 18

Suicide bomber attacks Kazakh secret police HQ

Suicide bomber attacks Kazakh secret police HQ - The Telegraph May 17

US steps up face-to-face peace talks with Taliban

US steps up face-to-face peace talks with Taliban - The Telegraph May 18

Turkey fears it may lose influence as Syria roils

Turkey fears it may lose influence as Syria roils - Haaretz May 18Länk

tisdag 17 maj 2011

Six Charged in Florida for Providing Material Support to the Pakistani Taliban

Six Charged in Florida for Providing Material Support to the Pakistani Taliban - 7:th Space May 17

Officials: terror groups are joining crime rings

Officials: terror groups are joining crime rings - AP May 17

When 'Runners' Turn Snitch: FSB Targets North Caucasus Insurgency Support Personnel

When 'Runners' Turn Snitch: FSB Targets North Caucasus Insurgency Support Personnel - RFE/RL May 16

Datendiebe kaufen Hackerwerkzeug bei Amazon

Datendiebe kaufen Hackerwerkzeug bei Amazon - Handelsblatt May 16

Security Operations Conducted in Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Chechnya

Security Operations Conducted in Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Chechnya - Jamestown May 16

Abdullah Senussi: Libyan 'executioner' blamed for repression of Benghazi

Abdullah Senussi: Libyan 'executioner' blamed for repression of Benghazi - Guardian May 16

IDF unprepared for Syria border breach, despite intelligence tips

IDF unprepared for Syria border breach, despite intelligence tips - Haaretz May 17

Libya's oil minister abandons Colonel Gaddafi's regime and flees across Tunisian border

Libya's oil minister abandons Colonel Gaddafi's regime and flees across Tunisian border - The Telegraph May 17

måndag 16 maj 2011

Afghanischer Geheimdienst will Versteck gekannt haben

Afghanischer Geheimdienst will Versteck gekannt haben - Hamburger Abendblatt May 16

Tit-for-tat expulsion of Czech diplomats

Tit-for-tat expulsion of Czech diplomats - Zik May 13

Pakistan Spy Chief Offers Resignation

Pakistan Spy Chief Offers Resignation - The Wall Street Journal May 14

Nach Drohnenattacke - Deutschland schränkt Weitergabe von Geheimdienstdaten ein

Nach Drohnenattacke - Deutschland schränkt Weitergabe von Geheimdienstdaten ein - Der Spiegel May 15

ISI stops intelligence sharing with CIA

ISI stops intelligence sharing with CIA - Today May 16

UK minister with alleged links to Israeli ‘oligarch’ quits

UK minister with alleged links to Israeli ‘oligarch’ quits - Jerusalem Post May 14

Mossad carries out daring London raid on Syrian official

Mossad carries out daring London raid on Syrian official - The Telegraph May 15

Osama bin Laden dead: Saudi Arabian diplomat shot dead in revenge attack

Osama bin Laden dead: Saudi Arabian diplomat shot dead in revenge attack - The Telegraph May 16

Iranian ‘Star’ attack met with scepticism.

Iranian ‘Star’ attack met with scepticism. - Intelligent Intelligence May 16Länk

tisdag 10 maj 2011

Is Asma Assad in London?

Is Asma Assad in London? - The Telegraph May 10

US to station F16 jets in Poland

US to station F16 jets in Poland - The Telegraph May 10

SAS to help US hunt down al-Qaeda leaders

SAS to help US hunt down al-Qaeda leaders - The Telegraph May 8

How an immigrant from Taiwan came to spy for China, coaxing US officials to give him secrets

How an immigrant from Taiwan came to spy for China, coaxing US officials to give him secrets - AP May 9

US spy in Pakistan outed as White House demands intelligence from bin Laden raid

US spy in Pakistan outed as White House demands intelligence from bin Laden raid - The Australian May 9

Israel's former spy chief says Iran strike would be 'stupid'

Israel's former spy chief says Iran strike would be 'stupid' - The Telegraph May 8

onsdag 4 maj 2011

Patek planned to meet bin Laden

Patek planned to meet bin Laden - AAP May 4

French minister: Arms from Libya reached al-Qaeda zones

French minister: Arms from Libya reached al-Qaeda zones - AP May 4

Moskau, Tummelplatz der Waffenschieber

Moskau, Tummelplatz der Waffenschieber - Der Spiegel May 4

Terrorist mastermind inspired by Osama

Terrorist mastermind inspired by Osama - The Jakarta Post May 5

LeT may replace al-Qaeda as terror umbrella outfit: US experts

LeT may replace al-Qaeda as terror umbrella outfit: US experts - The Indian Express May 4

AQIM suspects caught in southern Algeria

AQIM suspects caught in southern Algeria - Magharebia May 3

Afghan visa section sealed for issuing illegal passports

Afghan visa section sealed for issuing illegal passports - Daily Times May 4

Will bin Laden killing pave way for similar moves by Israel?

Will bin Laden killing pave way for similar moves by Israel? - Haaretz May 4

Bin Laden compound in Pakistan was once an ISI safe house

Bin Laden compound in Pakistan was once an ISI safe house - Gulf News May 3

Massive Intelligence Haul

Massive Intelligence Haul - The Wall Street Journal May 4

tisdag 3 maj 2011

WikiLeaks: Bin Laden's courier 'trained 9/11 hijack team'

WikiLeaks: Bin Laden's courier 'trained 9/11 hijack team' - The Telegraph May 3

Pakistan admits Bin Laden intelligence failure

Pakistan admits Bin Laden intelligence failure - BBC May 3

Islamist leader in Pakistan: Bin Laden's martyrdom will not be in vain

Islamist leader in Pakistan: Bin Laden's martyrdom will not be in vain - Reuters May 3

Al-Qaeda har en effektiv mediestrategi

Al-Qaeda har en effektiv mediestrategi - Berlingske May 3

Osama bin Laden dead: US retrieves hard drive with information on deputy's location

Osama bin Laden dead: US retrieves hard drive with information on deputy's location - The Telegraph May 3

Burma Forms New Intelligence Unit

Burma Forms New Intelligence Unit - The Irrawaddy May 3

Russia seeks 20 years jail for US spy ring traitor

Russia seeks 20 years jail for US spy ring traitor - Times of Malta May 3

Bali bomber may have been vital link

Bali bomber may have been vital link - Asia Times May 4

Russian search giant Yandex blows whistle on whistle-blower

Russian search giant Yandex blows whistle on whistle-blower - The Register May 3

Der Nachrichtendienst arbeitet an einer neuen Datenbank

Der Nachrichtendienst arbeitet an einer neuen Datenbank - Basler Zeitung May 3

Osama bin Laden dead: how could Pakistan not know?

Osama bin Laden dead: how could Pakistan not know? - The Telegraph May 3

Hamas has no plans to dismantle security forces

Hamas has no plans to dismantle security forces - The Telegraph May 2

Osama bin Laden killed: phonecall by courier led US to their target

Osama bin Laden killed: phonecall by courier led US to their target - The Telegraph May 3

Osama bin Laden killed cowering behind his 'human shield' wife

Osama bin Laden killed cowering behind his 'human shield' wife - The Telegraph May 2

Osama bin Laden dead: Taliban threaten retribution on NATO and Pakistani troops

Osama bin Laden dead: Taliban threaten retribution on NATO and Pakistani troops - The Telegraph May 3

måndag 2 maj 2011

«Der Tod Bin Ladens ist keine schlechte Nachricht»

«Der Tod Bin Ladens ist keine schlechte Nachricht» - Berner Zeitung May 2

Yemen braced for more bloodshed after collapse of Saleh deal

Yemen braced for more bloodshed after collapse of Saleh deal - The Telegraph May 2

German al-Qaeda suspects 'planning a huge bombing'

German al-Qaeda suspects 'planning a huge bombing' - The Telegraph Apr 30

The Pakistan man who unknowingly tweeted the hit on Osama bin Laden

The Pakistan man who unknowingly tweeted the hit on Osama bin Laden - AP May 2

Yisrael Beiteinu website hacked by pro-Palestinian activists

Yisrael Beiteinu website hacked by pro-Palestinian activists - Haaretz Apr 30

Hamas slams killing of 'holy warrior' Osama bin Laden

Hamas slams killing of 'holy warrior' Osama bin Laden - Haaretz / Reuters May 2